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now's the moment to seize the attention of a concerned public and say we must all view information in the public interest as a public good!
feeling really sad about NPR West. this feels to me like the city of the future. axing programs from here seems move in the wrong direction
just giving interviews on the Tribune makes me depressed
@kev097 key word is "attempted" to be interesting
can't believe i was sitting in the rose bowl yesterday cheering for "my" trojans. in really hot sunshine. on december 7.
@howardkurtz re sunday source: well, that makes sense. i never did get that one. seemed completely unclear what it was seeking to do
another outasight week at USC. news 21 folks here, hearing fine speakers via vikki porter. plus a fabulous 10-year party for ATVN: cool
@jaywagner how could it possibly have come to this? a des moines register cartoonist, escorted from the building by security? how cld it be?
@agahran next time you need to come see us in santa monica. these ocean breezes out here tend to dispel hardened feelings about LA, I find.
@blognetnews i'll check out your work, which i shld know. now i'm more interested in a santa monica news launch!
delighted to hear the lede in to "dreaming of a white christmas" -- all about palms and sunshine. it IS legit indeed to sing it out here!
#infovalet seeking to hear about yesterday
@jaywagner oh wow. the register without a farm editor. how are you? david and i think about you and are always glad to see your tweets
stunned that Des Moines Register no longer to have a cartoonist, after umpty ump years of having cartoon on front page, two pulitzer winners
@agahran come over to the journalism office tomorrow if you possibly can! wld be a kick to see you
@howardweaver we'll count on your passion, your smarts and your wry wit, even as you wander. we'll get you & Barbara down here soon i hope
@agahran can't believe you're shocked that they DON'T USE TWITTER :-)
@bethshanna i'm EAGER to! thanks for the nice note
fun to see old newspaper pals now in the academy, like leslie walker, rick rodriguez, kristin gilger, out here at annenberg for news 21 mtgs
funny to send my mate off to Columbia Mo., my old haunt, when i haven't even seen the new much-raved-about building! warm hello to MoJo folk


Jim Long Paul Hyland Patrick Beeson Robert Scoble jimbo wales Jemima Kiss Matthew Cooper Micah Sifry Andy Carvin richard sambrook Howard Weaver Rebecca MacKinnon Scott Karp john bracken Lisa Williams David Sifry Leslie Bradshaw Jeff Jarvis Mary Lou Fulton Mindy McAdams PBS MediaShift Kristen Taylor Doc Searls Chris Krewson JD Lasica Charlotte-Anne Lucas Amy Gahran Rachel Nixon Mark Glaser Clay Shirky Dan Gillmor David Cohn Merrill Brown Katie King Ian Bogost Jim Brady
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