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watching the boxing match...
leaving the studio; recovering my main WD HD - success!!!
en la oficina; definitivamente necesito mejor iluminación cuando no hay producción aquí...una bombillita is not enough
just fixed morning on to fix the month's mess...
woke up really late...missed a lot of things - from yelling to talking...slept it through...welcome back to the world.
@wvargas hate you...baje de $60 a $30...pero still hurting - ECYE
Professor impressed with presentation. Off to a meeting.
My slang' project report (originally recorded with @izqrdo watching along)
Christmas trip: Boston or NYC? What do you think?
At biento with a bunch
On my way to Aibonito
@izqrdo phone services issues at Aibonito
alas! using Xcode to keep working on my final project coding in C...awesomeness!
Frack it...I'm getting a Blackberry...
En Montehiedra; en los cines; Quantum of Solace
Mahalo doing re-runs? what?
la palabra del dia: gracias
@gerryc here you go...a - happy thanksgiving day to all of you ppl at the here...coding away
mad at constantcontact - a list review on a Holiday with no people working there???? what the frack?
ugh - a fregar