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Surgeon in the field (MSF in Africa) gets help during arm amputation via SMS - - scalpel in one hand, mobile in the other.
@gothunts - I enjoy trying to shop/maximize my savings at the grocery store. It's like a game for me. Maybe I'm just weird?
@keithstonehouse - Presidents are allowed to do so per the Constitution. Obama can pardon people too, if he so wishes.
@lilpecan - DM @spam - the Twitter spam people check that.
Found this on @karllong 's blog - UCSD study on conversion rates of spam mails sent by Storm botnet -
@karllong - Sent a DM to the Twitter spam people re: him.
If anyone is wondering what I want for Christmas, wonder no longer! I'd be happy with this -
Also helped a guy with AIDS who went blind due to a brain parasite - he still had a pretty positive attitude about things though.
I met an elderly Asian woman today - is into Linux and networking. She got me up to date on the end times and speaking in tongues.
Busy day @ Tenderloin Tech Fair hosted by St. Anthony Foundation.
On a SF/Millbrae BART train going through Oakland.
6:25 AM - awake and getting ready to head to the Fremont BART.
Sleep time - early morning tomorrow!
@trinalina - Yeah, that will happen.
@trinalina - I dunno, I think it's really worth the price.
@unixfudotnet - Don't think that would have flown when Tom Monaghan was in charge - he's an extremely devout Catholic.
@stales - Widget at 106% - not bad
@AdamOstrow - They start out buying these types of ships -
Conference calls after 5 PM = FAIL
@LilPecan - the ChipIn guinea pigs are taking a rest from running on their wheels that power their widgets. I imagine it will update soon.


Biz Stone Evan Williams Matt George Leite Veronica Belmont Jim Long Emily Chang Starbucks Coffee David Chartier Clint Ecker Jacqui Cheng Mario Menti James Lileks Evan thinktwice Twitter Matthew Freeman Hal Rottenberg Nick Kwiatkowski Michael Arrington Leah Jones Todd Cochrane Politics Darren Rowse Gaurav Sikka karl long Justin Gardner Christian Einfeldt Mark Vanderberg David All J.D. Roth Jeff Smith The Hill Roderick Vonhögen Greg Willits Tim O'Reilly
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