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Going to Dilworth Billiards to prepare for our crimma party. Hope you all can make it!!!
@natters1210 I'll pay you to wrap my presents. No innuendo intended.
Anyone have a dvi adapter for a macbook? We need one mucho. There may be a free sticker in it for you.
Just reclaimed the foosball challenge cup from @bankswilson.
@kateymarie I'm from Lancaster, SC. Woodland creatures are all I know :)
@kateymarie I've never made it north of Trade St. I don't think :(
OH: @glasshoff to @bankswilson "So what's the word on that t-shirt gun?"
@pixelnated We have a raptor center? .... !?
Classic reddit comment thread:
"A severed foot is the ultimate stocking stuffer." - Mitch Hedberg
Owwww feels like someone is driving an axe down my forehead... makes it real hard to get stuff done. Gonna be another long night.
@blairblends Well... umm.... thanks man. Another dream broken.
@blairblends I'd like for a bunch of us to get custom plates, all speed on the same highway, and inject the dot speeding cams. possible?
Attempted to talk to this really cute chick behind me in line at Petco while buying my lil brother some frozen rats. It went as expected.
Okay, game over. Day has defeated me. Going home for a sammich and ER rerun then back to it for round 2, I guess. Wish me luck.
What would be a good, thoughtful and cheap gift that we could get the starbucks baristas for Christmas?
@kateymarie Bc too many people can't pronounce Zimbabwe, and n fewer can spot it on a map. For a lot of ppl: entertainment > education.


Eric Veal John Resig Justin Ruckman blair blends Worth Sparks Lyell E. Petersen Robbie Player Ben Visser Keeley Carrigan Ben Marvin J Tyler Helms John Christenbury Eliana Jeremiah Hester Natalie Wollstein Will Jardine Heather Amler Laurie Smithwick Rosie Reilman smallwonder Studiobanks ryansworth Adriana Deleo Ben Ullman Kelli Franklin AshPash Kayla G. Castille Lee Bautista Vinnie Katey Dietz clgoodwin AmandaLou Amy rebecca woodson jenchambers36 Shannon Marberry