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He's out! The dr said it went well. Still sleepy.
Thanks for the well wishes all. Still waiting on the dr. To get here. :P
My son, gabe, is having minor surgery in an hour. Wish us well!
well that was fast - quantum encryption may be broken with time travel -
didn't go to the potluck - but reaping the rewards anyway - piles of cupcakes and cookies left over!
listening to: theivery corp, radio retaliation
@chloester you have to invest in the crappy product to make them fix it! :) we're all beta testers on iphone apps.
@jruckman haha - i could kill a ton of those - regular potatos are different
3g, 8gb, referb ipod nano's $99 + free 2 day shipping at prolly leftover stock -
i can't eat as many french fries as i used to. i'm getting old.
downloading this tonight ... Retweeting @mcstover: Katamari is on iPhone!!!
skipped my work holiday pot luck for showmars. think it was the better choice.
@Stevehoward999 i think they're working on that. didn't know if there was a non-image related magic bullet :)
@ann0y4tr0n i think they're working on trying that.
@upsydaysie wish we could. needs to be PDF for printing and distribution
we're having PDFs saved from powerpoint 2007 balloon up to 30mb. the ppt file is just a few mb. anyone know how to fix that?
cool reberby VIOP distortion going on this conference call.
listening to: endless conference calls!!!
Ughhh.... Fishcamp coma


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