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@THErealDVORAK Global warming doesn't mean that things only get warm, it means that the weather behaves erratically, like it does now
@JAFlanagan he needed more shoes!
@JohnCleese awesome job in The Day the Earth Stood Still, more drama for you!!
@oliviamunn sounds like we need a picture!
@sandeepparikh d00d buy your games off of craigslist, so much cheaper
@irinaslutsky I work for the dha in sacramento and i think the jobless rate in CA is between 8-10% and increasing
@jeffcannata but aren't we just waiting for Holmgrem to come the 49'rs next year
@oliviamunn if you came over to my house, i'd give you 2 boxes of fudgsicles just for you.
@sarahlane leave britney alone!!! oh wait a second, go ahead and criticize her all you want!!
@jollyroger where are you new episodes of dr who???
@natalidelconte your as my female family members say, a petite flower.
@Twitterkins #309 sorry I didn't make myself clear, i just bought a bunch of them
@Twitterkins sorry I just listened to yours.
@drtiki can you have another party during san diego con? I'm actually in los angeles then.
@Twitterkins awesome Never Not Funny this week :)
@sandeepparikh awesome 2nd episode d00d, i was pulling for you to finally kiss her!
@Cade_One wow another Cade!