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I want to meet the Shamwow guy.
is detachedly watching his resolve to continue working today slip away.
Drive-thru line at Starbuck's was 6 deep and not moving at 10:15AM. Their coffee's nowhere near that good. I left.
The decision has been made: I shall go into work and grace it with my gregarious presence! This, I command!
it's cold outside and I'm debating the merits of working from home versus dragging my sorry backside into the office. Should I stay or go?
@osunick welcome back to the lifestyle of the software rockstar, buddy.
There's an expectant sense of impending weather which never comes.
gray day outside. I've always thought that overcast days without rain or snow are even more depressing than usual.
's feet are cold.
is sad that apparently Strongbad Emails aren't being updated least not on any semblance of a regular basis.
taking Benadryl before bed seems to have helped the eye irritation out considerably. Excellent.
has some sort of eye irritation....maybe poison oak from doing yard work last weekend. Hope not.
Time-Warner DVR, why do you constantly thwart my attempts to record shows I like?
Why do the Vegas CSI people ALWAYS DO THINGS IN THE DARK??? Doesn't that make investigation much more difficult?
is proud of himself - finally figured out how to get his bluetooth headset working with the new IP phone.
giant pools of water inexplicably appear in the men's room at work every couple of days. Good Lord, I hope that's not urine.
*sigh* the conversation threading in Lotus Notes 8 doesn't appear to work. Big friggin' surprise.
@brink Seems like quite a bit of trouble to go to..I hope the vid is worth it.
@lifeasitcomes excellent song! Sweep the leg.


Nick Nguyen Chrysanthemum Wil Wheaton Warren Ellis ChuckChuck Kevin T Driver Wilford Brimley hodgman Christopher Hastings TimTodd heidland GOONKA LaReinaDelSass El_Presidente_C Andy Black Michael C. Ferguson MrsKorda Amanda Hohnstreiter johnroderick