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@troybur I sent my SASE to the Gmail folks on Monday. :)
We have string!
Right this very second this is what I see...
Devising spectacular Xmas lighting schemes.
Enjoying the afternoon off with wine, cheese, chocolate and @carbonated.
@RobertP You are spot on w/the haters comment. Dang!
Watching a stage of iCelebs streaming live at LeWeb'08
@ninaksimon WP is better if you need pages.
@cdulude Are you, in your inability to resist, proclaiming that you are a knitter?
@jreesnc Why how in the WORLD did you guess? :-O
Calling all knitters, I have a question about darning.
Our holiday breakfast @lifeandscience was great. The best touch was It's a Wonderful Life playing on the big screen. I won a Kalanchoe!
@mistersugar Any luck with the "in reference to" filter on ?
@gregoryng Are you saying you don't know what the t word is?
@elizabef Yes, you probably need a break. However, if you have formed a habit and want something new... I recommend Deadwood.
@kduck "I can't tell you why" by the Eagles is another great offender.
@LizaPryor Points for naming the on hold music in Simpsons episodes Homer Alone and Saturdays of Thunder.


davegray Dimitri Glazkov Brian Russell Ruby Sinreich Jackson Fox Robb Hamilton Matt Herzberger Jim Ray bryan kennedy Robert Peterson Jorge Arango Rafe virginia ingram Encarna Barack Obama christian crumlish Shelly Kyle Johnson Pepita P Anton Zuiker allison marchant Christina Dulude Nina Simon Tam Kate Duckworth John Lyden greg Steven Champeon Cynthia Ben MacNeill Luke Robinson Moomburger Gretchen Ludwig Lenore Ramm Heather Hesketh Pat Abernathy
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