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The press of other business has prevented my going to #cyborgcamp today. :-(
@CarriBugbee My personal re-branding hasn't yet begun in earnest. I'm still in my personal cleaning-up-my-home-office-so-I-can-work mode.
@CarriBugbee My shoes are only size 8. Surely @rogoway can fill those just fine. ;-)
@kenbrady Yes, mostly. I'll be in sunny Mexico from Dec. 17 through 23 but otherwise in sunny Portland.
Good tea and convo with @kmazz at TeaZone in the Pearl.
@CarriBugbee I saw the original Typepad journalist bailout offer, but I wasn't sure it passed the smell test. I'll check further.
@PAgent I totally understand. It's like being on "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire" with unlimited lifelines -- but no chance to win real $$$.
@PAgent It's like Mechanical Turk in a way. But you probably have to work your butt off just to make the equivalent of minimum wage. Still..
@verso You're *always* nice. But I think we have a Costco trip in our future after I drop my son off at the airport.
@Metroknow @verso Fortunately for me, everyone sang along. Fortunately for them, I skipped the choreography. No links...yet.
@verso Don't know yet about @beerandblog today. Am awaiting word from spousal unit on our Friday afternoon plans.
@PAgent Do you know about ChaCha ( People call in questions for free. You get 10 cents per answer, rising to 20 cents.
@chrisorourke Yes, I try to avoid ruts. That's why I tried karaoke for the first time last night, singing "Oops! I Did It Again."
@chrisorourke Yikes, I'm already nervous. I'm used to doing the interviewing, not being interviewed!
Thanks to Legion of Tech and congrats to IgnitePortland (#ip4) presenters for a great evening. Brady Bunch will never again be the same.
@newley Pok Pok is great. I've been there maybe three times -- not nearly enough. I heard the Splendid Table piece when it aired recently.
@pdxmama Believe you me, I'll be TwitPic-ing those flying monkeys!
@pdxmama Miami Herald is source of many wonderful lines. Love the synthetic buttocks in particular. Thanks!
@verso @pdxmama The monkeys aren't really flying. I'll attach them with wire so they look like they're flying. Monks from Finnegan's, natch.
Score! Fake latex buttocks obtained. Thank you, The Red Light. Next: glueing on the little monkeys flying out of the butt.


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