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@fibbery I opened an IRA right when the stock started plummeting. WHOOPS
"WANT" is a bastardization of "DO NOT WANT" is a bastardization of "NOOOOO." The positive, instead, should be "JOIN ME" or something Vadery.
My coworker will not stop playing "Single Ladies." Well, she probably would if I asked her to.
@kaflurbaleen Off-days during vacation are important. Don't overdo it!
@paolo Oh yeah, me too. I was like INT 10, CHR 1, STR 1, DEF 1, AGL 1... That sort of shit.
@Rondhi Supposedly not so, after the recent flaw that was discovered. But downloading lots of porn? I see no problem here.
@xenijardin BREAKING: Iraqi journalist al-Zaidi DDOSes website BoingBoing with his shoes
It's difficult to intentionally find a site that will infect your computer. I want to cripple my unpatched VirtualBox XP installation.
Muntadhar "shoe thrower" al-Zeidi may only face up to two years in jail. For someone who attacked the President of the USA, that's amazing.
@paolo You know what they say about guys with thick blood.
@thewesterly You seem to be caring about how much I care about it right now! And that counts for something! HA!
@thewesterly JEFF JACKS and Pitchfork keep equating the two.
Sorry Air France's album sucked and it was nothing like Since I Left You at all. (I have probably said this before.)
COFFEE!!! COFFEE I NEED COFFEE ha ha thats you thats how dumb you sound
Woodacre at night still gives me the jibblies.
Should not eat breakfast sandwiches because 1) they are greasy and 2) it means I don't go for lunch and sit for 8 hours straight
Since no one references it anymore, All Your Base is again really funny to me. Just need to take a step back sometimes.
@thewesterly Same. You could barely tell mine was Windows, then I realized, wow, how unnecessary and cumbersome!
Just LJ'd about ham. http://jeffreyatw.livejourn... The irony is, most of my tweets have more content than this entry.


Xeni Jardin Felix Sargent John Edwards rstevens Duke of the Bump Paolo Sambrano Ryan James Gowdey Shiranne Grace-Monday Dave Troy Chris Crosby Uranus Chris Kraynik Meredith Gran Nathan Edwards Ivy E. Stryker Amanda RooftopComedy Shelley Champine jeph jacques Rene Engström Paul S. Chun Kate Spike UC Santa Cruz JohnCleese Steve Lobst songbirdteam Josh Lesnick Seg Benjamin Herr mkehrt Shortpacked ryanqnorth