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@mtc If it went down the way the guy said, it was a bait and switch - paying for one thing and getting another. If intentional, that's bad.
@mtc I'd moan either way but wine often costs a lot more so even more of a reason to whine.
@Brian_Fey In the comments of the blog post.
@Mike_E Almost every project like that is at least temporarily on hold.
@manyas I would think if any company could throw a party, it would be LG!
@chonze Not a fan? Goes with the other one... not sure I'd want to watch it more than a few times though.
About to post 'Hunter Walks Around Outside Encore' videos. Only hardcore fans need check it out.
@filberts It's the worst. Wynn Resorts is also highly guilty of this, along with audio you cannot turn off. Annoying!
@filberts Is that similar to the thing Fox was doing earlier this year? Is it DRM'd with FairPlay (or something else)?
Checking out comps for new Two Way Hard Three designs. Gonna be a huge step forward in visual design and hopefully readability.
@donnymac66 Funny how that works, huh? I'm more tired when I return. At least I will be sitting in an Encore suite in two weeks.
Stressed, nervous and tired. Great way to go through the day.
Uploading tons of volcano shots. Blog post comine.
@LuxorLV That's funny cause I'm following them!
Volcano FireShooter layout.
@Brian_Fey I have not met Rex. He came to the Palooza but we did not meet.
@vegasbill Very nice to meet you. See you again for Encore!


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