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@seejengo -- me too! Happy belated birthday! And thanks for asking the question about how to start w/SM. I thought the conf was really good!
Have you joined the realestate Twitter Group yet?
speaking at the Sparkt real estate tech conference today.
@loanzen thanks so much for the compliment on -- my team and I try hard to bring the best, newest info forward.
getting ready to leave the office for the evening. Still raining/sleeting <sigh>
I just made a Twitter Group at for our realestate group. Please Retweet.
birthday festivities: had an amazing dinner last night at Brasserie Jo in River North and brunch this morning at Pauline's in Andersonville
@mikespataro -- Great! I'd love that. Was actually just checking out your site. Can we schedule a call? Thanks!
attending a webinar demonstrating radian6 social media monitoring tool -- seems useful. Will also research other potential vendors
@halvorson -- detailed content maps get really challenging when the site's content is dynamic rather than static.
@Barb_G -- thanks for the follow! Would you add me to the list of IABC-ers on Twitter? Thanks!
regretting going on a midnight Black Friday shopping trip -- absolutely not worth it!
@mattrathbun -- good insight about who might be commenting.
@phoenixreguy @recr -- good question. I don't have the answer
official statement by about the fact that it is not accepting FSBO listings:
@sarahstelmok -- happy cake day? What is it?
wishing everyone a safe and happy Thanksgiving. I am thankful to know you:
discontinued my brightkite & Plaxo accts yesterday -- both were providing just noise for me. What social networks have you turned off?
attended a great lunchtime presentation at IABC on social media measurement by @kdpaine. Thanks, Katie!


Biz Stone Livia Chris Wetherell veen Rod Begbie Xeni Jardin Andrew Crow peterme Tara missrogue Hunt Harper Mark Smithivas Thomas Vander Wal BJ Cook Tammy Green Dave Winer Jason Calacanis lane Daniel Johnson, Jr. Mirona Iliescu mdy Bridget Houlihan Caterina Victor Lombardi Jennifer Woodard M Stowe Boyd Chris Brogan Dennis D. McDonald Beth Kanter Heidi Miller Eric Olson Brian Clark Doug Haslam Jim Long Ted Demopoulos Daniel X. O'Neil Boris Mann
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