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Had flashbacks of 1986 by watching the pilot episode of ALF on Hulu via Boxee. OMG TV shows have changed a lot in the last 20 years.
It's a bit disorienting to hear songs in the grocery store that Girl Talk has mashed up with crude hip hop lyrics. I still imagine his cuts.
Today started by getting on an airplane before the sun rose on the West coast, and landing on the East coast after the sun had already set.
One thing to avoid on the Wii fit hooping game while actually hooping is to have a young kid run into the room & smash his face on the hoop.
@lizak Glad you're digging all of the Ulrich Schnauss. Lately I've been listening to all of his remixes.
Getting ready to pack up from a great vacation in Portland, OR. Also coming off a two-week twitter vacation.
Oh 'great' the Fed now wants to pledge $7.7 trillion to bail out these financeers. That's like 9 whole Iraq+Afghani wars.
It's so warm that I hopped at the farmers market & went crazy with tossing at home. I've also been grooving with horizontal laso isolations
It's amazing how fast fake rumors can spread through twitter. Jeff Robbins breaks down the twitterank phising rumor meme:
Saw Lee Boot's "Euphoria" art documentary tonight about finding sustained happiness by connecting to a deeper meaning & purpose in your life
Here's a PDF of the fake NYT: Video here: Full website here: via @tigerbeat
The Yes Men printed up fake NYT papers from the future declaring "IRAQ WAR ENDS" Nice visualization for us all.
Trailblazing naming conventions by organizing all the hooping moves I know of into a spreadsheet. Becoming more self-aware... and obsessive.
Just ordered 5 Obama stickers designed by Shepard Fairey (aka the guy who does all of the OBEY art) You can get one free!
Feeling relaxed after a Thai message & reading @jayrosen_nyu links on my iPhone as I wait. Will Obama give more access to the press now?
clarification: looks like some of the open data stuff is specific to TX, but LBJ School is in contact w/ Obama's transition team re: tech
Excited about @jonl TX Community Media unworkshop tweets on open data standards, transparency & accountability plans for the White House CTO
This slam poem encapsulates some of my cautious feelings of hope & cynical fears on our collective expectations for Obama:
I get most of my news from Twitter now. I'll know generalities but not specifics. So I'm trusting my worldview to be shaped by your tweets
Every time I open up Skype and it says, "take a deep breath" I take a deep breath.


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