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Hooray for no-email Sundays!
In a bad sneaker collecting habit. I'm worried about my next trip. So many shoes, you mean I have to choose? How many would you take?
Australia was a strange combo of Man From Snowy River & Perl Harbor. Way too long for its own good. Did make me proud of my country, though.
I used to think was dead to me. Surprisingly I'm finding it fun to use again.
Reading everything I can about movable type (the lettering not the blogging engine). Extremely interesting fabrication process.
@garyvee is definitely a market master.
@garyvee No way am I going to pay money to talk to on a computer. Sorry, Gary, even for charity.
Tried my first Java nap. They really do work. Three cheers for a second wind!
Justice's new DVD is really sad and depressing--depressing as in they live crappy lives. Oh, the pretentiousness of being a hipster.
15 years. Not too bad. I'm sure he can defend himself in there.
I don't understand why most church websites have a woody, earthy feel. New goal in life: get the hippiness out of church design.
@peterthourson Going to stay in hostels again?
Two things Alpha Dog did for Justin Timberlake. 1) Showed he can act, really well. 2) Proved that he'd be a great killer.
Still thinking about moving to Japan. is a clear example of the addition of too many features. Extremely bloated and complicated.
Great Goodness! Boxee does Netflix now!
Al Gore's clean coal back lash launches: Really funny ad.


Justin Williams jake Sarah Hatter Robert S Andersen Justine Amit superamit Gupta Jeff Gerstmann Josh Williams Ryan photomatt Oliver Beattie Major Nelson (Larry) Cameron Moll Jason Santa Maria CNN Breaking News Josh Peek soxiam Kevin Rose Andrew Jonathan Ive hotdogsladies Keegan Jones AJ Vaynerchuk Scott Simpson Cabel M. Sasser Adam Lisagor Joshua Blankenship Patrick Moberg Gary Vaynerchuk Ryan Sims Brad Matt Rubin Stephen Hallgren yongfook Cameron Kenley Hunt