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@thatrunnerchick Impressed by your workload. How many hours a week?
Hører på klipp om surdeig:
@oyvind Its not that bad. Had a run this morning in nordmarka, and it was snowing there
Written xmas cards for snailmail. Sending tomorrow
@abrenna "Video Killed the Radio Star" by Buggles in 1979 (the year I was born..)
Worst fire in Oslo since 2. world war last night. 6 people lost their life. Our thoughts to the one who lost the dear ones.
@jmelau Guess I beat y with 5x10 (Zone 3) and 4x4 (Zone 4) + running in one session today.
Looks like Google is watching over us:
Tom for brød!! Måte lage grøt av sandmalt hvetemel. Spiser det med SKM (Sukker, kanel og smør)
Why #Safari? Why cant your cookie engine remeber me on Twitter for at least 3 days..
Julefeiring i 3 dager. Idag kan jeg endelig bestemme sjøl hva jeg vil gjøre
@abrenna Industrirevulosjonen, atomalderen, romalderen også begynner vi på nytt igjen. Steinalder rules!
På jule bord med gamle jobber. Waldemans salonger. Bra show. Venter på mat
Yesterday the Ez guys where here, leaving a bowl of xmas goodis. Eating norwegian "pepper-cookies"
Cleaning ez template code. On the kitchen they are talkin about SEO
Baked the Times kneadfree bread tonight.
@mgjosefsen I am paying 4000 kr thats about 400 kr / hour for the ride ;.)
Just signed up for Iromman france. Any other who will joint? Is on the 28th of June in Nice
@thatrunnerchick Mumm, actually not so bad. Guess the amount of flavanoids in both make them match ;-)


Oyvind Solstad Børge Morten Josefsen Johan Bakken Kevin Rose Fredrik Johnsen Leo Laporte TYPO3 Informer Arnstein Larsen NRKbeta Even Andreas M. Berntsen John Terje Rabben Jørn Støylen Ronni Tino Pedersen Jørgen Melau phpdeveloper Rune Fjellheim Henrik Jagels eiriks Anders Brenna patrick_wilson Håvard Grimelid Frode Martin Berglund kondis pjwalstrom teknobloggen Cappelen Damm Fredrik Fjeld Propellen TriathleteMag loopnorge Till Schenk thatrunnerchick The Secondbrain Team