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Submitted ESWC paper - even as last author I still got to stress :)
How can there only be a handful working days left in 2008? Where did it go?
Destroyed my partition table, but in an amazing feat of geekery, recreated it from memory.
Trying firefox3.1b2 - allededly 10x faster javascript. Is it? Hard to say, all my extensions are now disabled.
@scharlau: Python use is of course welcome, but the scope is broader this year, any lightweight, flexible thing is in!
yay! Semantic Scripting workshop accepted for ESWC! Are YOU ready?
Got spotify invite, but "it's not available in my country"? WTF? Isn't this the internet?
Can the lazyweb get me a spotify invite?
Back in KL, nose, throat and head all stuffed up.
Viva went well – thesis accepted with minor corrections!
In Frank's flat in Aberdeen - getting ready for viva tomorrow
My old bike knew my "new" bike was nearly finished, so a pedal fell off -- today first ride to work on "new" bike, still covered in mud.
@CaptSolo: Nice! Funny - they have Kaiserslautern, but not Paris :)
Made python-opengl nearly run on the OpenMoko Freerunner, spinning textured quad at an amazing 0.98 frames per second.
@danja: nice tune! You sound like Lou Reed :)
Just got back from my first trip on my "new" bike! To the supermarket! Almost all done - 42/17 is too high a gear though.
"While" revising for my viva, I updated my homepage:
It's coming together, if my chain breaking tool hadn't broken I could have biked on it to work tomorrow:
Compiling the kernel for the 3rd time today - linux is so EASY.
New HD at work, with 750gb to spare there is finally space for apt-get dist-upgrade and building a new kernel.


Danny Ayers Geir Arne Brevik Ina O' Murchu Johan Bakken Gregory Williams Bruce Scharlau Michael Hausenblas TobiTobes Uldis Bojars Alexandre Passant Dan Brickley Hiro Protagonist Michele Laurian Gridinoc keithalexander Tom Heath Sam Chapman Sergio Fernández Libby Miller aseigo eikeon Richard Cyganiak Matthias Veel Krauss Benjamin Nowack hashtags Stephane Lauriere leobard gard Heiko Haller Tristan King naffs plannero pinkhaddock kadrik Gard Huseby