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@johnrobb good tip, thanks. Learned tonight that putting ethernet into phone port at wall bypasses filter anyway :)
This hotel blocks facebook O_o
guess "smart building" is catchier than "slightly less dumb building", but don't want to hear that name again until it can take an IQ test
Also, we had to set up our own wifi because they only have ethernet
At an innovation park. They block facebook on grounds of it time wasting, but not twitter, ebay, *boing boing*, neatorama.
Had a very strange dream last night about Davina McCall asking me "Why do you never answer the FUCKING phone?". I only screen calls from her
Still think NN is important, but sorry for passing on a misunderstanding of something.
Seems my earlier tweets about google and net neutrality were wrong:
@Rossaluss I heard Larry and Sergey don't dress snappily enough for the ELOE.
Why are O2 spamming business phones with concert ticket compos? :/
@Avalix: Maybe dreams are a bug? :)
Would really like for my browser: ability to purge saved data for a single site, form, or form field, rather than all at once.
(Google officially named evil of course, by the Official Bureau of Evil).
Part about Lessig most interesting thing in last link. v. interested to know what influenced him.
Google now officially evil. Calls for net neutrality quietly dropped:
M. Bison is on Twitter now:
It didn't just detect known images; after one set it knew, the software learned to reconstruct unknown images from new scan data.
@ribotminimus damn. Japanese version with the images seen/read from brain:
@claytoncubitt yeah, the watering hole with the lowest cognitive load/highest utility. People take shortest egocentric route to anything.
Absolutely fucking excellent. Or omininous. Amazing either way; read only privs being gained for for brain:


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