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@andrewb Lego Mindstorms has interested me for a while, it's a robotics kit, that's rather open. says: "Sorry, item is not available in this country: New Zealand." :(
*sigh* Why don't I have a Lego Mindstorms kit?
OK, you are all off the hook now. I'm going to make dinner :)
@dwnz That first requires a name for a client. I've come up with two, both taken. :(
Sometimes I wonder if it's best if I have a test Twitter account, but then I won't get to spam you all :)
Bugs. I haz them.
Thinking about what to type in this box, as I'm testing the Twitter client but have nothing witty to say.
Flatmates playing CoD of some sort, and complaining about its multiplayer compared to Halo 3
@finnatic Just because it is hot doesn't mean it won't rain.
FUCK YEAH Uncharted 2 looks awesome
Been reminded of PlayTV. Anyone heard anything recently about a NZ release?
New blog post: Twitter Client: Latest screenshot
@Arowin An action shot for the snowman?
Dammit, what happened to It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia?
Oh cool, it's apparently 99:58pm on
@CharlieJayne Thanks, It was hard work :P
Ta-dah! Gone! Magic. Thanks UDPixel!
@andrewb I've seen it be "lazy" before. I tried UDPixel, but it didn't turn up. Now, it's bright red.
@andrewb Cheers for those. I knew this one was coming for a while so I preemptively downloaded a fixer. Running it now. No changes... yet.


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