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@jimmygirl409 A 3.6 earthquake feels kind of like when you go over the speed bump doing 45 instead of 20. Most slept through it.
I'm video chatting live in TokBox--join me now!
@mbstockdale Dysfunctional Brady Bunch meets Jon & Kate Plus Eight was my impression of the Tokbox extravanganza. It was fun when it worked
@LarryOsborne Don't make fun of our earthquakes or we'll unleash a hurricane in San Diego
3.6 earthquake in CHS this morning! Thinking of closing the offices in case of after shocks.
@natekrause Reemeber: Just because there was an earthquake doesn't mean you're not crazy
@ChrisSurratt When I had to get Brittainy dressed and do her hair the teacher would send home notes questioning my fitness as a parent.
@dbillian Thanks for the tokbox tips. I love the app, tons of potential. I don't think it was made for 60 people at a time however. :-)
Loving the tokbox mass meetup, but it locks up for me when more then 15 or 20 enter the room
I'm video chatting live in TokBox--join me now!
I think @sherrysurratt forgot me and now I am stuck at the office to irritate all my friends with endless twitters about nothing. Sigh.
@LemursManLemurs With Yammer you have to be on two different networks. GroupTweet we can do it all within Twitter
@dawnnicole Don't throw me in with those cruel Surratts. Oops, have to runm time to hit the beach before temp dips below 70. Stay warm
@ScottWilliams I think you have your computer set to "Pentecostal" , you are twittering in tongues.
@SherrySurratt Stop Twittering and come pick me up! And stop comparing me to @davetravis. And quit calling me cranky. I am pleasant person.
You can check out grouptweet at Seems like a good way to set up a private Twitter group.
@danohlerking So You Want to Go Back to Egypt. All of Keiths albums were whatever you could pay


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