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The greatest sin in the service industry is indifference. At least summon enough energy to be rude or insulting.
Flu running rampant through the office. 5 coworkers down over last 2 days.
Call me a luddite but I'm really going to mourn the demise of the newspaper.
Heard "Life During Wartime" on the radio during the ride home
Picked up son at playdate last night. His friend's single mom was laid off. Says she's trying not to think about it until after the holidays
Just finished paying the bills. Ouch.
Uh oh, looks like the Palm Beach Country Club membership committee may be looking for a bailout next.
Iraq shoe throwing=progress? Civil disobedience w/o bloodshed results in global media coup. Will it encourage more non-violent efforts?
Shrek the Musical? Sounds more like the concept for an SNL skit than an actual Broadway show.
Kitchen's been gutted for revovation so I'm BBQing in CT in December. So far the weather's cooperating. Keeping my fingers crossed.
The tree is up and decorated. The lights are outside and the candles are in the windows. Time to relax.
Bad news re: father-in-law's health today. Wife's in a bad way. Wish there was more I could do.
Fell asleep watching my son's basketball game. Woke up to "Dad, DAD, DAAAAD!" Very embarrassing.
Just completed an efficient surgical strike on Toys R Us. Very impressed with myself.
Dog just ate the pizza. Filthy cur.
Wow, way to go people. Americans drive 100 billion fewer miles in past year -
"...Let me collect dust. I wish someone would phone. Panic in Detroit!..."
On the train home after the office party. Annoying man talking on cell phone about baseball for the last half hour straight.
A good piece by John Ryan (President of CCL) - Collaboration: Obama's Best Bet -
Office holiday party tonight. The spirit committee interviewed everyone and produced a video. This is going to be good.


Jason Calacanis Robert Scoble Leif Hansen Jeremiah Bill Clinton The New York Times Adam Rubenstein Barack Obama Mukund Mohan Scott Monty Ethan Zuckerman orangatame NY Times: Politics Adam Denison Wall Street Journal Andrew Richardson David Wescott JetBlue Airways Steffan Antonas emilysteel richardbranson Guy Kawasaki Mom101 vik duggal Adam Coomes Marcel LeBrun Christine Perkett Rachel Rob McNealy jcsavage SallieB faleiry paultran888 jaywalk1 CareFlash Campaign2008