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@wyclif I love the comment BoingBoing made along lines of, "Of course, in the west, throwing your shoes at s/o is a sign of great respect"
@SylviaPlath The Diet of Worms is my second favourite name for a historical event, just after the Defenestration of Prague.
@SylviaPlath Heh. You must have caught the version of that tweet I deleted. :-)
Ordered Martin Luther's Christmas Book from (who, ominously, have now dropped claim to have it in stock):
@ninjamoeba Good catch-all. "Come on, sir, I think you've had enough." "No, I haven't!" "Ah, being /quarrelsome/ now, are we?"
Forgot to set alarm, so failed to get up in time for gym, got extra 40 min in bed. Feel really cut up about this.
@wyclif I'd noticed that. Seems to be only when viewing individual tweets on the web.
Resolved to go to gym tomorrow - which involves waking @ 5.45 am - when thought would be in bed by 10.15. Is now 11.55. #FAIL
A crooked Gaulish chieftain called Whosemoralsarelastix is fun, but not as fun as a crooked fund owner called Madoff. #realitywinsagain
"Bleed the World": Band-Aid for the banks. Superbly-executed parody. Seamless.
Blogged: Have I ever presided at the Lord’s Supper?
Yes! It's the best Asterix character name ever: Chief Whosemoralsarelastix. Been wanting to find the one with him in for /years/.
Have crept back into the top 100,000 blogs on Technorati. Autograph hunters, please form an orderly line.
@truk77 To clarify: remote box already has sshd running, of course. :-)
@truk77 Ooh. Hadn't heard of that. That sounds /fun/. Do you need anything server-side, or do you just install sshfs on the client box?
@QuinnP1 I must admit it had never even crossed my mind that a church might do that. What part of "do THIS" don't they understand? :-(
Losing the will to live after hearing, for the first time, of the concept of "self-service communion".
@teamawesomer I've read the book. Was a few years ago, but was impressed by it. It's v. widely read in UK schools (tho' I read it later).
I'm 46.4% addicted to film: . Would've done better had it only been the Top 100 rather than 250
@QuinnP1 Just so long as you let people keep their Blackberrys, I'm sure you'll be fine. :-)