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today's annoyance: people who complain about planned outages that happen the same time every week. get over it, twink.
@Arelas I do not envy your trip to work.
it's dead quiet here this morning. :)
@KGWNewsChannel8 it's coming down pretty good here in the Walnut Grove area of Vancouver!
@teleken it's entirely possible. ;)
mmmmm mizithra
this weather sucks
@teleken not to worry :)
@teleken crap. that doesn't bode well for me then. ;)
@teleken I am going on the theory of "if I ignore it, it won't happen." think it'll work? :)
@teleken I wish I knew. I could make bux deluxe. :)
@teleken just don't ask me how it happened
and hey, work inbox is now down to 5 messages. go me.
@cheesymac five??? and I thought I liked glasses. ;)
@jezmynne I am usually really careful. don't know what happened this time!
@teleken they caught me off guard. :)
@teleken was so very tempted. but I was good. :)


danah boyd infogdss29 kate Kaia Anna Daniel Messer Kevin Yezbick Anne the Librarian lauren pressley John Fink Heidi Blanton-Hansen Stephen Francoeur Connie Crosby David Rothman Robin Hastings David Lee King amanda etchesjohnson Greg Schwartz marshallk rochelle hartman David Fiander John Blyberg K.G. Schneider Chaunacey Dunklee Michael Sauers Iris Michael Porter Michelle Boule Aaron W. Dobbs Sarah Houghton-Jan David Free cindi Krista Godfrey Laura K. P-G Linda Crook Shippert
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