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Using Microsoft's Seadragon on the iPhone. Wow! I've used Photosynth and deep zoom before, but it's a different experience with multi-touch.
Oh VGAs, you are an endless parade of laughable sell-out moments. Maybe one day people will take you seriously...but most likely not.
Finally got with the program and watched the first few episodes of Mad Men. Sexism is entertaining again!
Oh, Left 4 Dead versus mode. You are just too much fun.
The moon looks freakin' awesome tonight.
Listening to chip-tune Christmas songs by 8-bit Jesus...each done in the style of a different NES game. Awesome :)
A-B InBev announces plans to cut 1,400 US jobs. St. Louis-based jobs will make up 75% of that total.
Have been enjoying Deadspace recently. It has amazing sound design and is a great ride, even if the controls are at times frustrating.
Was already thinking about getting an ASUS Eee Box, but now the deal has sweetened with upgraded video and HDMI out!
I love snow
@BryanBallart Tipping Point is good! If you like it, be sure to pick up Freakonomics as well. Both have some very interesting insight.
"déjà street view" - The feeling you get when you physically visit a new place, having previously looked it up on Google Street View.
Only on the interwebs: Steve Jobs story > viral marketing fail > "I'm so glad my boss isn't like that" mini-meme > poetry. http ...
Played "World of Goo" today on PC. Simple idea, great design, and a lot of fun. I look forward to playing more!
The Ocarina iPhone app by Smule is all kinds of awesome. Just listened to someone from central America play "a whole new world" from Aladdin
Just finished the Xbox Live Arcade masterpiece Braid. Should be near the top of the list for any "games as art" discussion.
@UnitedWaySTL Congrats on a tremendously successful campaign. Give yourselves all a pat on the back!
@UnitedWaySTL I'm following you! Awaiting the final number
Trying to download the flashback map pack for Gears of War 2, but it is taking for...EVER! At 45% of 116MB after 1 hour. Sheesh.
Thinking that 2009 should be the year I develop my Quantified Self:


Evan Williams Nick Douglas Jason Calacanis Glenda Mark Frauenfelder Veronica Belmont Mike Chambers MJ Tantek Çelik Simon Crowley Matt Heerema Major Nelson (Larry) Mike Creighton Jeffrey Zeldman CNN Breaking News Kevin Rose hotdogsladies Jon Maddox Andrew Huff Karina Longworth Barack Obama Remember The Milk Jonathan Coulton Tim O'Reilly Revision3 Adam Lisagor Mark Pesce Leo Laporte Gary Vaynerchuk Lon Harris Pat McNally jeffery mavers Kate @ United Way wine90 meghanasha