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Pushing Daisies is so damn good! Why ABC? Why did you let it get canned? I heart it. Everything gets taken away from me. =(
I made substantial progress in my hip-hop class. Thank the lords, I was feeling like a fool last week.
At work having phone battles. I just lost the street view round to the G1... damn it!! Next time, next time.
I <3 my Mr., but no one has ever evoked the want to throw a laptop at their head more than he has. He makes me think violent happy thoughts.
@iamcenok you truly scare me.
WP 2.7, why are you so pretty? Haven't tested functionality yet, but it's the best looking version yet. =)
@shamu68 Yay!! I heart ND, but Friday proved I haven't listened to them in ages. I no longer knew the lyrics. I used to be obsessed once.
I'm making progress on my "20 Something Bloggers" page. I feel accomplished.
@shamu68 Yay!! Yes, L4D was on my to-do list for the weekend. I need it! Although, Rockband is also needed, No Doubt music has been added.
Mimobot contest is officially closed. Woohoo! Now to verify many emails.
Girly movies for the win. First, 13 going on 30, then Someone Like you. Funny, I was just chatting about that movie. =)
One more hour, have you entered yet?
Truly experiencing bouts of unhappiness. Is this all there is? I don't like it. Hopefully tomorrow will be a brighter day for me.
Last day to enter for a 2gig Mr. TTT mimobot:
I feel like I'm constantly becoming the scapegoat for certain things in my life. It's not fair to just blame me and it's quickly getting old
@pimpsc00by today = lazy. Travelling to your home breaks today's goals. Some other time I suppose.
@pimpsc00by oooh, to see what? Call me laters! Brunch and Top Chef time. Woohoo!
I are sedated, I has Chili's in my belly. =)
This is bullshit.


ph7labs Tamara Danie Ware Denise Cortez NOTCOT Grim Santo Lauren Wainwright Izzy D. Shelly S .tiff T-Mara toysrevil digsby Evan (CEO of mimoco) shawnimal brownkidd uglydolls shanejessup CrisR Francesco Rinaldi colettebennett doc18 Eric smallandround jonburgerman albotas Alexis G. dont h8 dre Dtoid Chelsea Andrew Bell michy pinkghostFL podgypanda hana k. JinxedStore