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Liz Lemon's exit from this last 30 Rock episode was fucking amazing.
@frenchs That's the patent pending Digg Drunk Hoodie design.
I'm pretty sure that @rk, @trammell and I just proved that not all of the good domains have been taken.
Brainstorming and plotting with @trammell and @rk. Two of my favorite people.
The color has started on my tattoo!
I'm so excited I can't see straight!
@helgith At some point the health of the language and it's future *must* outweigh backwards compatibility.
@KellySutton Whatever you do don't buy one in a store. When I got mine off eBay it was $300 less than Best Buy's best prices.
@helgith +1 from me. PHP needs some serious house cleaning in my opinion.
Any Android developers out there? How about Flash/AIR? Cocoa/OSX? What about MS/MFC/Windows developers? @ or DM me.
@shawnbot I can't skate worth shit, but that sounds pretty awesome. Hope all is well!
Hanging out with @kevinrose and @dlprager. Drinking a few beers and eating Mexican food.
@kevinrose What is the most hilarious thing you've heard me scream across a crowded campground?
Your daily does of insanity can be found here:
@sbazemore Nah, just fixing some bugs and cleaning out some cobwebs. Big things planned though.
Eating some of my mom's sugar cookies, drinking a beer and working on @pleasedressme with @ajv. Not a bad night so far.
@Aubs You can add "whoreface" as a contact.
And now, for my next trick, I'll be hacking with @DollarApp on a side project.
In other news my mutant climbing powers on a bike seem to still be in strong effect. I hate climbing, but I'm apparently good at it.
Rocked out a great 30+ mile ride around SF with @marianopeterson, @califloridan, and @jhodsdon. I think @jhodsdon is done talking shit.


Blaine Cook Mr Messina Harper Scott Beale Kyle Ford Aubrey Sabala Andrew Wilkinson Cal Henderson Keith Tantek Çelik Paul Boag Mel Kirk Lisa P Ryan Carson Alex Payne Ryan King John Gruber Bryan Zera Jen Dustin Erik Kastner arne Kevin Rose Trammell micah Garrett David Recordon John Resig imitura WilloToons ali watkins Cameron Barrett David Prager AJ Vaynerchuk Shawn Allen
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