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Very happy :)
I'm having a great night. Thanks everyone!
bought myself a birthday present. nice!
Wish i knew what people do at atm's that takes them so damn long. I feel like i'm missing out on something fun
@makanikai what part of town?
okay seriously - no more coffee from brainwash until I've had chance to talk to their manager. if I ask you to get me one, tell me "NO!".
@susanbuck & @superamit I really like it! Not sure about the moving pause button though. i really like the complete simplicity of it.
my girlfriend is unique. she uses email to IM with me instead of IM. I think that might be a real reason as to why we get along so well!
just categorized my labels in gmail: category-subcategory style; definitely need the gmail team to add that as a feature.
Inspiration is being on BART with commuters trudging into their 9-5's and knowing that you control your life. Not a middle manager half ......
Can't sleep cos of excitement. @ar3te: me, you, erlang, and jQuery are going to rock for the next few days!
Only one profession in the world seems to have time keeping worse than entrepreneurs; doctors.
Currently surrounded by a shit ton of kids. San francisco has so few of these weird little creatures. Berkeley seems to have too many.
my gmail just went blue..?
Even facebook do things wrong. Currently getting logged out on mobile web whenever changing page.
I need to comment 80 classes. Made all the harder by lovely weather outside.
sometimes feels like im the only non-swede in the office... oh.. wait...
w00t @ ocfs2 working on our iscsi nas. Hope this solves issues with picture truncation.
@Airrun you should try upshot - its pretty amazing. 6 hours of energy. I suggest to take it with juice otherwise it trips you out.
I can almost bet on the likely hood that stuff will break. Missing lovely weather outside while waiting for web03 to be fixed.


crystal Adam Rugel Evan Williams Blaine Cook Gustaf Jeff Bonforte Kulveer Mike Rowehl Amit superamit Gupta Harjeet Alex Payne marie brattberg Tom Hume Britt Selvitelle meangrape paul Chris Josh Wilson alexis ohanian Fred Wilson Brad Feld Will G notphilatall josephsofaer heysansvn kallus mpstaton chino drusenko Heysan Arunan efishant gdeglin TimDenike vanya42