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Heading to Phily late this afternoon for company holiday party. Riding the Bolt Bus.
Back from our bldg holiday party. Pleasantly buzzed on wine. Everything's fuzzy, warm and glows.
Prepping for Chloe's birthday party.
@grizzlydom Restarted the 'puter and fw worked. Duh. I cried wolf too early.
@sayra72 Your phones must be terrified of you. "If she doesn't like me, I'll be stew!"
@wvshrk Saw that too. The worst part is it probably will be dark for a while.
@grizzlydom Just tried to connect 2 dif HDs via firewire to my laptop. 2 diff cables. No luck. Wondering if the port's dead.
@wvshrk Speaking of - How was Thurs night?
Yesterday was the 75th anniversary of the repeal of prohibition. Stop and think how different our world could be
New Lucinda Williams on my idisk
@sayra72 Bad news Sara. No birthday party this weekend.
@wvshrk I know. I know. She's a levite.
Michael, marriage is like an alien invasion. What do u think they mean when saying "join as one"? Darren is not here right now.
Sara, MPH here. Wondering if you started b-day cake. Chloe got a bit sick again today. Thinking we may have to push party out to Sunday.
@sayra72 Yes. But I'll have MPH email you. She wears the party planner hat.
Other than that, we had a great stay in the Bay Area.
I've slept much of the day. MPH and I feel like sh t. Chloe was feeling better -singing at dinner time. Such torture.
Back in NYC. Flew the red eye. All 3 of us got sick on the plane. Chloe vomited numerous times. Cab ride home during morn rush: 1.5 hrs


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