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@sborsch - Or are you looking at something too big to haul yourself?
@sborsch - Do you know exactly what you want (you usually do) - order online for instore pickup - in 30min, hit customer service desk :-)
Can't believe people are falling for the fake Rahm transcript on Daily Kos - Suckers :-)
Why was (is) cool jazz on in the middle of the night with a DJ that talked very slow and quietly as not to wake you to listen to the show?
I always listen to the Minnov8 podcast very late at night - the closing music puts me to sleep like old cool jazz radio stations.
Wonder if Scoble interviewed Jakie Chan and asked who he is if he'd answer Guy Kawasaki?
RT: "One man alone can be pretty dumb sometimes, but for real bona fide stupidity, there ain't nothing can beat teamwork." Edward Abbey
@kempinmotion - We have a local equivalent to Madoff - Petters
What I like about weekends - Up really early so I can take a nice morning nap about 9:00 - Zzzzzzzzzzzz
A warm streak | -5 yesterday morning, 28 this morning | Now to see if big weekend storm misses us as weatherman predicts.
@Mickeleh - "One at a time" - But they both scare me and can be out of control :-)
@Mickeleh - Is there a way to make this country safe from both republicans & democrats? :-)
RT: @Mickeleh - Those who can... tweet. Those who can't... teach tweeting. - Funny
Layoffs need to start at the top in a lot of cases :-)
@graemethickins - You, me, Borsch all with furnace problems. What did we do to deserve this? Mine resulted in new furnace :-(
Note to the StarTribune - Please do not refresh the screen with new ads while I'm reading an article - it's 100% annoying.
Auto Industry - Lemons to Lemonade -
@graemethickins - You know I never vote for alphabet soup (GT&A) - Would vote for thickins dot com or graemeThickins dot com - You the brand
-3 here and storm coming | -7 on Monday, snow and 40mph winds predicted - wowzer | bundle up kiddies, pack in some vitals
@graemethickins - But being a surfer in MN is almost as freakish as being a downhill skier in NB - Sorry, couldn't resist :-) HeeeHeeeHeee