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@matmccoy Blog trolls, male or female, all share one thing in common: Business ain't being taken care of, financially and/or sexually.
@matmccoy Can you think of anything LESS feminine than a blog troll ? I can't.
@drakemedia Hoping to start getting the lithographs into production early-mid January Thanks for your interest!
Note to women currently sharing their bed with blog trolls: I'm very glad you're not my sister.
@kittelL Not luddites per se, more like "Passive Aggressive Beta or Gamma Males"
Remember that great 90s TV show, "Northern Exposure"? My life in Alpine is a kinda the West Texas eqivalent of that.
@drakemedia Back in high school, armchair quarterbacks were taken out the back and savagely pummeled. The system had its merits.
@ColeDavid @eolai @drakemedia One of the big guilty pleasures of being successful is how upset it makes the armchair quarterbacks. Heh.
@greenskeptic I've been saying this for years: the more successful bloggers out there, the better it is for all of us bloggers.
One of my anonymous blog commenters is whining at the prospect of me actually being successful. What a loser
Woke up far too late. Frickin' jetlag.
Can't. Fucking. Sleep. Fucking. Jetlag.
RT @dailytwitter: @gapingvoid leweb is great, @loiclemeur has nothing to fear. armchair critics are dime a dozen.
@loiclemeur A valid argument or legitimate complaint still doesn't hide an ungenerous spirit, ne c'est pas? Nobody's fooled by them.
@loitering A valid argument or legitimate complaint doesn't hide a mean spirit, ne c'est pas? Nobody's fooled.
RT @cfnoble: @gapingvoid exactly my read - it's hard to get traffic with mere navel gazing these days, so some folks toss bombs. #LeWeb
Anyway, I've seen it all before: the minute @loiclemeur shows any form of fallibility the douchebags move in for the kill i.e. LeWeb '05.
@loiclemeur A lot of LeWeb haters are pro bloggers i.e. get paid in eyeballs. Controversy & piling on "Famous Loic" is good for eyeballs.
RT @shaveblog: Hate myself for sharing this:
@loiclemeur I thought LeWeb rocked. The most vocal critics have their own agendas, just like with Sarkozy 2 years ago.


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