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Out with @kerrym! ... to go Christmas shopping. *cue sad trombone*
Latest phone spam: "Congratulations! Your house has been chosen to receive FREE digital equipment." Yes please then, plug me in already.
Needs a pizza name. A name that is easily understood when ordering pizza over the phone. "Dane? No, D-A-N. Dave? *sigh*."
Bags have arrived. Commencing shirt pack/ship.
Currently getting Blitzen'd.
Client just sent word of getting a 404 error while trying to view a _mockup_ of a 404 page. Good morning, confusion!
Well, gee. Looks like we'll be packing some shirts today.
OH: "I'll hang out with you if I can bill you for it later".
Behold! A new t-shirt for sale:
Two men in pinstripe suits just knocked on the door selling coupon books for charity. I passed, just FYI.
Linguine is the inferior pasta type. There I said it.
Web design is a lot like parenting. Except without the fear, anxiety and lack of sleep. Oh wait.
just opened a big box o' these:
is writing a long list.
Found popcorn in my sleeve.
Everyone designs.
@drinkerthinker Not the way these dogs bark! Oh wait, you mean the helicopter thing... surely a childhood ritual I missed?
Update! It wasn't a rock in my shoe, rather a maple tree helicopter seed. But still.
Rock in my shoe. And it ain't Ted Nugent.
My brother, a 10 year season ticket veteran: "That was the worst weather game I've been to".