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changed my avatar to better reflect my increasing age.
i wonder why they don't charge a CPM seat rate for attending that 'how to sell banners' seminar? 1,000 people could attend for $8.
@iannarino no, they did it with email spam instead (that's an entirely different seminar.)
@rockson it makes you 350 ahead of me.
the only thing worse than banner ads is a company that has seminars on selling banner ads...
thanks for the birthday tweets. i believe this is the year i gain official status as "grumpy old man"
another year older today... happy birthday to me!
@Remerge psssst... working on top secret project - 'HD Newspapers'
@sparkspace thats a customer of the month award.
@Remerge finally! they'll be able to sell one or two of those damn things to newspaper publishers...
@sparkspace you mean thats not a 'need a buck/leave a buck' jar? how embarrassing...
@Scobleizer great interview with San Jose News, but I'm surprised you didn't need dramamine from all the spin.
@remerge good interview, but if you edited out all the newspaper bullshit, it would only be 5 minutes long.
you know what we need? someone should create another seminar on how to use social media. we don't have enough of those...
@Remerge rebounds? Free throws? ...or just a lay-up?
Top signs I'm gonna hate your webpage #1: You have a pop-up box asking me to sign-up for your newsletter before I'm able to SEE the site.
@sparkspace that was supposed to be... "more money was made by..."
@sparkspace that's my "theory of picks & shovels" in action. more money was selling mining tools during Gold Rush than made by finding gold.


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