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@hamstra I look at your tweets in awe and befuddlement, like one watching a 3rd grader sending transmissions into space on a field trip.
@smellvin you can now call me Supa Mafiosi
@Mykul the evil of all "Root." :)
@Phenobarb the want to be remembered rather than indistinct is, according to Buddha, the reason why we all suffer. Till Death. And then some
@smellvin no basis whatsoever. Which is what makes it even more manly! BTW
@ichbeninchworm is Jimmy Kimmel and I'm Adam Corolla. Genius!
@smellvin ...can see your pansyness. We're not against your clothes; just against your sensitivity. We want more Man Show
P.S. @ichbeninchworm and I are considering a blog against trendy guys. @smellvin is our first target.
@ichbeninchworm I heard you ripping him a new one... and even Carol said, "Poor Williams, no chance against her..."
@etmueller you could sell your body... then on second thought panhandling might work faster.
been listening to cool soothing music all day. Just about ready to climb the walls. Pumpkins, anyone?
@fru we're supposed to make a video saying happy bday to ate faye and send to Mikey.
still at the office despite my promise to cut back. I did get to call Korea and chat with a friend tho.
sometimes if I close my eyes too earnestly, I worry that I'll reopen them to find that I'm 65 and reflecting on these days fondly.
Prodigy is expanding me beyond my confinements. This office can't hold me... I'M A FIRESTARTER!!!!1!
Way late but still glad i took the BMW today (BMW = bus/metro/walk). :)
@super_mandy you've a lot of passive aggressive tweets lately. :/
This project has a ridiculously short shedule but i cant stop with the UX concepting already. :/
listening to the abandoned library of a friend I've lost touch with. Nostalgia squared.


crystal Jessica Alysha Seth W. lux Ramanan smellvin CorporateMonkey Fru james Brad Mirona Iliescu Richard Hemmer Bao Sara Ouli C Dante Optical Minger Mike Martinez Emily Chang paolo i. olivia Andre Torrez Mykul Sandy Milli super_mandy Anil Dash Status Updates Phenobarb faith-t Andrew Mager Amy Jane Gruber David Raynes Joi Ito