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Twittr Genius award; a three month Netflix membership, a new green bong and a thatched yurt to write a 140 chracter dick/fart joke.
I know how the Greeks feel. Once you get a good riot going, the momentum kinda keeps you going. Like dating a psycho
poetry's a penitentiary, the track is visitation; the Sentences is life, I'm like Chief up in this demonstration-
@jensized I can tell it was well over a year ago when they came down my street. The cars in the DW are the people who used to own my house
@taterhead I live in High Point Terrace and it seems pretty good over there
@jensized clearly this is more of that terrible persecution of Mormons by those scary gays.
@youngamerican ask Shoals if basketball is better without Michael Jordan-
@youngamerican ask Shoals why of all players did Darko sparked his attention?
Hey you! yeah, the fat guy in the sweater vest! all the thin people can see what you're trying to do there, not fooling anyone lard-ass
If I get terminal cancer..baconnaise is the top of the list, next to skydiving & high fiving the Dalai Lama
@ EvanDando its really not a big shame about ray; I heard the guy banged your sister..and Winona Ryder
instead of christian-themed cards I plan on using simple white cards reading "Happi Brfday Baby Jezus!" in Windings font- Problem solved!
Nearly arrested when I asked an elderly woman if she wanted to see my "stimulus package"
@knots got a Twitter Grade of 95/100 from @grader. See: and no one should care
frustrated by the rumors that I am an asshole & pretentious However, counter rumors persist that I've never intentionally killed a kitten
@jensized the ticket does not fuck arround.
@taterhead - @taterhead peanut butter jelly time! where day at? There he go! peanut butter jelly time
@taterhead peanut butter jelly time! where day at? There he go! peanut butter jelly time


Scott Beale John Gruber Jon Crosby Darth Vader Joshua Green Allen Michael hotdogsladies amber mac Twitter Tim Siedell Barack Obama jay smooth Robert Nelson Scott Simpson Gregg Smith Aaron Smith Andy Ihnatko Remember The Milk Remiel Jen S. Stacey Gingras Adam Lisagor John Dickerson violet blue ® Lindsey Turner Todd Wright Jesse Thorn Rachel Adam Koford @foulbastard's PA SeoulBrother Memphis Grizzlies karenmarree