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Need caffeine! Badly. Off to Piccino's in a few.
@jimpick We're looking into what's going on with autocomplete. I also just sent you an email with a link so you can follow the progress.
@zaius Oh yeah, I've been friends with him for a few years now... 6? 7? Want to head up to Seattle in July for his 11th anniversary show?
When you have a fantastically lame week, the best response is to, in the words of Jason Webley, dance while the sky crashes down.
Not long ago I sprained my foot kicking a tree. Now I'm dancing at a bus stop. An improvement, no doubt.
Fantastic poem, totally sums up my week so far:
Oh, and for those concerned by my tweets the past few days, don't be. I'm doing fine. It's been a weird week.
Excellent night talking about art and creativity. Very happy about this group we've started. Good discussion, vocal debate.
Wait, what? Meat Puppets playing Bottom of the Hill on January 17? As anybody (besides me) thought about them in the past, oh 5 years?
Best part of WFH = Pants status: off
Good night world. Sweet dreams and go fuck yourself.
Sorry @a, @ceedub, and @kittenbomb. I think tonight's going to be spent with cheap bourbon and country music.
Coffee, cigarettes, and loud music diet FTW. Also, I think I sprained my foot last night, so no climbing for me this evening.
Did I just make a terrible mistake? It's highly possible. Bleah
"We have few years left I'm told/ Before we're all resting in the soil/ So I'll carry you with me through sun or snow."
@jameshome Hahaha... Wow. Yeah, we were talking about the caffeinated malt liquor.
@jameshome Sparks used to be my life blood. When I was DJing, I'd show up sober, then pound 4 after my set during the course of 1 cigarette.
Thanks everyone who sent good wishes my way. I love my friends. I like to think he would, too.
@KateLewis I'm positive he knows. *hug*


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