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@pantalones oh you slave driver you.
Going blind editing a million credit card images.
Hey I just bought a car. Yay!
It's a nice surprise returning to your desk to find a new macbookpro.
@ch, thanks!
@zerokmerk thanks! Yeah its sad about the octoplex, hey if you know anyone looking for office stuff, desks and etc let me know!
At Tufte presentation at the Grand Hyatt.
Got a job! ftw. Today was moving out of the panoctagon headquarters and feeling the effects of too much drink?
Breaking down the panoctoplex.
I just took out a rearview mirror with my face. Does it get more metal than that?
At Cnmat, computer music night.
@storeroom Congrats on opening! Very much looking forward to stopping by.
EA passes.
leaves and nodes and children. and gin.
Pulling out some old vinyl, mimic and the model and sutekh.
the suspense. its killing me.
Sometimes my brain really disappoints me.
Show was pretty great last night. Both bands sounded fab, if not a bit humorless. Got to see m83 guy's clear, blue glowing plexi-eurorack.
M83 and School of Seven Bells tonight.
Two near death experiences in one day .. Might be time to lay down.