
It's fall —time to learn more about the Lake. Check out our new additions:

About Us...

The Lake Champlain Basin Program (LCBP) is a federal, state, provincial, and local initiative to restore and protect Lake Champlain and its surrounding watershed for future generations. We work in New York, Vermont and Quebec. Learn more >>

Basin Map

A "basin" or "watershed" is the surrounding land that drains into a water body. All the land shown in above drains into Lake Champlain.
Click here for a larger map (864 KB PDF) >>
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Tips for a Green Lawn, NOT a Green Lake!
Click to visit the Wayside Exhibits
Click to visit Champlain Connection
Lake Weather

Site updated: 12/04/08


Lake Champlain Basin Program - 54 West Shore Road - Grand Isle, VT 05458
800/468-5227 (NY & VT) or 802/372-3213 - WWW.LCBP.ORG
Site Design/Webmaster: Nicole Ballinger, LCBP