Champlain 400th Anniversary

VT Quad Logo The year 2009 will mark the 400th anniversary of Samuel de Champlain's arrival to the region. Celebrations are being planned in New York and Vermont and the Richelieu region of Quebec for 2009. In 2008, Quebec City will kick off the festivities with a celebration. Learn more about plans to commemorate this historic event!


NEW GRANTS! The LCBP is now accepting applications for cultural heritage grants that may be used to fund Quad-related programs. See grants page for details. [8/07/08]NY Quad Logo


Vermont LC Quadricentennial Commission Strategic Plan. In March 2007, the VT Quadricentennial Commission released its strategic plan. Click here to read the draft plan online.

Senate Passes Jeffords’ Champlain Valley Heritage Bill (Jeffords' Press Release) [10/04/06]

Learn About Samuel de Champlain

"A Day With Sam"

How might Samuel de Champlain feel about Lake Champlain if he were to visit today? Read this humorous encounter with Sam, written by LCBP Program Manager Bill Howland to celebrate the LCBP's 15th Anniversary in October 2006. Read, "A Day With Sam..." (PDF file).

We'd Like Your Opinion

Click to read this update.Click here to read an update on the current plans for the commemoration. The New York and Vermont Quadricentennial commissions have asked the Lake Champlain Basin Program to obtain public input for the upcoming anniversary. This process will begin with a simple request for comments from all who are interested.

Write your ideas, suggestions, or concerns on the back of the update and mail it to us. You can also send e-mails to us at:

Additional Websites

Vermont Lake Champlain Quadricentennial Website

Hudson-Fulton-Champlain Quadricentennial Commission

Quebec City 2008 Celebration

Samuel de Champlain - Adventurer in New France (America's Historic Lakes website)

Lake Champlain Basin Program - 54 West Shore Road - Grand Isle, VT 05458
800/468-5227 (NY & VT) or 802/372-3213 - WWW.LCBP.ORG
Site Design/Webmaster: Nicole Ballinger, LCBP