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@jmnelson17 You're so lucky I don't have my vorpal sword with me.
@jmnelson17 Would it help if I sat in Brook's old desk and told you to work harder every 15 minutes?
The sky is the most beautiful shade of violet right now... This moment of tranquility has been brought to you by Pfizer Pharmaceuticals.
@ande2713 I have a very boring inbox.
@brethummel Try flushing with warm water.
@emgiel Wal*Mart (note proper usage of *). People are animals. Crowd control technique is not rocket science.
Sites that sell their background images for the ad dollars look desperate. (I'm looking at you, @slate.)
FLASH! We're in a recession. In other news, Trade Towers attacked, WW II ends, Pearl Harbor bombed. Stay tuned for further updates.
@hlockwoo if you can't tweet about anal leakage among friends, then what's the point of all this web 2.0 crap, anyway?
Also, pretty sure people only follow me because of my cool avatar. Trying to get over it.
Why can't I buy Max Headroom on iTunes? Why?
@henslin What refective web 2.0 logo *don't* you have on a shirt!?
Also, my sympathy to @henslin re: death of pownce. He was such a fan
I guess I can end my quest for an app that updates Twitter and Pownce at the same time
How long can I blame Thursday's tryptophan ingestion for my current state of lethargy and disinterest?
Ken said this morning, "I'm afraid my pants smell like Patterson."
When copious free-time combines with an unhealthy fascination with Michael Jackson.
Ricardo Mantalbán is 88 years old today. Pretty sure he could still kick my ass.
My son just called me "Lord Nerdicus". Time to open up a can of atomic noogies.
Just watched a puppy poop in real time. Thank the gods for the glorious interwebs.


Evan Williams Nick Douglas President Monteiro Dan Cederholm Jim Cuene Colleen Wainwright Beep. Andy Baio Paul Isakson John Gruber Jim Ray Tony Delgrosso Jeffrey Zeldman taulpaul Rex Hammock Dean Cameron Allen Tom Merritt Darth Vader John Siracusa Joshua Green Allen Amy Jane Gruber Kevin Rose Denise Howell Steven Frank hotdogsladies Nathan L Cali Lewis Amy David Prager Dave Troy J. Adam Moore Tim Siedell Barack Obama ShawnBlanc Ryan Block Robert Scoble
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