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@fraserspeirs Every night, Fraser... every night. I then dock the iPhone and the buzz wakes her up.
OmniFocus for iPhone now orbiting planet Apple
@dmoren Yeah, my bad on the 6 copies. I got into a wrestling match with our Mailman server and gave it a black-eye.
Pre-WWDC energy burst: There are, at this very moment, 5 coffee cups on my desk. All mine. All from today.
@fraserspeirs I'm using the blacx plus plus plus 4TB for offsites right now...
@fraserspeirs I have one of those blacx and love it. use it for my offsite rotating backups.
Interior by the Great Gatsby:
Getting some of that "Tim Wood Special Coffee Brew" which is rumored to be entirely opaque. My kind of joe.
In March I bet Bee that AAPL would hit 200 by year end... almost there.
@fraserspeirs , you must have made it in quick... we ddos'd our server with OmniFocus traffic. Bringing it back up now...
Pre-release of OmniFocus now available:
ex-expatriating. acclimating to having a hundred options for every damn thing I need to buy.
Mac Trivia: While the Apple uniform consists of mandatory black shirt, the presenter in the new Leopard video is actually pantless.
Sleepy. looked at chip kidd covers all night
Omni-ing, day 1 :)
@tjw Enjoy the plays... last time I went to Ashland for that was... er... 14 years ago?
jetlagged in ny, soaking up sun
dymo printing 500 packing labels.
@fraserspeirs same boat here in hong kong. given the option to go legit, i'll do so. until then...