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@noti88 I left the flip cam in SF last weekend, I'm an idiot :( No video for now
Not to mention, who knew I had a sewing kit. That's very domestic of me.
The cats got a hold of a roll of thread. I know I should take it away, but this is just TOO funny to watch.
Catching up on podcasts while packing.
...I live at park labrea. Or at least, I do until thursday.
Johnny Chase, Entourage: "That's like comparing Central Park to Park LaBrea." BAHAHAHAHA!
Everytime I hear Car Czar I think of @noti88. It just fits SO well!!
I always manage to run out of garbage bags before boxes. I don't know how I manage to generate so much trash every time I move!
@rondata are we still on? where am I meeting you?
ok, maybe not the easiest way to solve the problem, but something I needed to do anyway. Transferring the domain!
The url to the file, not to the domain. :D I'm not THAT dopey to forget the domain name.
I'm a dope. Uploaded a backup file to a domain of mine and can't remember the url...and can't get ftp working. It's kinda hard to find.
I shouldn't have sat down, now I don't want to get up again. But boxes are calling...
@loonyboi I like digsby - it does im/twitter/facebook/myspace/prolly everything else. :)
How am I double posting like this?? Um, twinkle...
Back in the car, heading back down to la.
@nonosheen I miss you too!! Looking forward to Tuesday!
Made it (yay!), waiting for the management dude to gimme my keys. Dead from drive, but all good.
Oops dbl tweet!
My passenger is not very talkative.


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone Evan Williams Jason Goldman danah boyd seanbonner Xeni Jardin Ross om Dave McClure Nick Douglas Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Scott Beale Oren Michels robby valles Kevin Lawver Dave Morin Dave Winer Jason Calacanis Kingsley Joseph Joost Schuur Scott Hussein Rafer Steve Gaitten Justine Megan McCarthy Stowe Boyd Elisa Camahort Veronica Belmont Emily Chang Brian Solis Bradley Horowitz Sandy Robert Scoble irina slutsky noah kagan
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