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Pet charities are my greatest weakness. After that, it's Diet Coke, then sleeping with two pillows and a blanket. I need vice-ier vices.
@sean Sending positive flight thoughts your way.
Dim sum followed by work followed by a nap. I intend to stick to that schedule.
@crystal Yeah, well, @sean and I had a spam date tonight. There was music, iChat, novelty wall clocks, limo service to Heathrow airport...
Tonight's awesome spam: retro novelty wall clocks. Once I went to the link, the selection was not as awesome as I'd hoped.
Verdict: cat got into a fight with some(thing?), has an abscess below his tail, will be fine, gets antibiotics for a week and a half.
Today: cat to vet, spam date with @sean, miscellaneous errands. I wish the plural of errands was errandi.
@caroline I loved Slumdog Millionaire. I was lucky enough to go to a screening where the director showed up afterwards to do a Q&A session.
Inner monologue: "oh god why did I eat so much at Olive Garden I know there was a gift card but four helpings of salad was excessive oh god"
@sean Sounds dreamy. I'll bring some targets and ideas, you bring the binoculars, I'll bring the weaponry.
On the way to the mall : lost a 40% off coupon for AE. On the way home, depressed re: coupon: found it. Huzzah!
@sean Congratulations! I'll stop reciting Chaucer in Middle English to you now, I suppose. The fun's all gone.
@gregory - I took a look. I have to say, I think I agree with the T-101. I'll delve more deeply later, but I'm thrilled to have an invite. - "What're you doing, guys? Can I poke you? Are you gonna get up soon? Can we play? Mind if I eat your food?"
Tomorrow involves a visit to the vet for a cat who either fought a raccoon or a tree branch. Either way, it's not going to be fun.
@gregory I've signed up for a beta test now. Maybe once I get an invite I can check it out. :)
@ppcproz Where did you get the idea that I think Summer Glau being a robot is a BAD thing?
Every time I watch Sarah Connor Chronicles, I am re-convinced that Summer Glau plays an effective robot simply because she is a robot.
There is something genuinely refreshing about someone writing in about a suspended account and telling me point-blank they violated the TOS.
Unsure why I woke up and worked for an hour. Resolving this with a thirty minute nap before starting work for the day in earnest.


crystal Evan Williams Alissa Jason Goldman Lane caroline Alex Payne Britt Selvitelle meangrape Mark Hegge xstala twii Ed Shaz abdur stopthespam Sean audomatic emee Spam Watch gloanova