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@trimblator and @sheigh I have no idea where the name comes from but I like Mr Peterson. Funny.
My friend @sheigh needs help coming up with a name for her cat.
A ten-year-old girl just told me our 11-month-old son looked like a Jonas Brother.
Just graduated from my first yoga class...thinkiing of @Crystal.
Going to Benihana...which always makes me think about @lechwe.
We're taking my folks to see MILK today.
I must be getting domestic; I actually baked pumpkin bread tonight. I confess it was from a box, but hell, its a start.
Why the hell can I never find the 20% off Bed Bath and Beyond coupon when I actually want to go there?
@saulcolt The entire Village People lineup? Impressive!
Came home from LA yesterday just in time to see my son start walking. Oh, now we're in trouble :-)
@sheigh ShayZ - looks like a beautiful Fall in New England!
I just changed my Gmail to Ninja - does anyone know why they ask you about your location?
Mom arrives on Friday and Poker tourney at our house this Sat. D me if anyone wants to join. She's pretty sly with the cards.
@saultcolt - Love that song, you've now (thankfully and gratefully!) replaced the annoying "When the Stars go Blue" from Tim McGraw.
Oh my bloody hell, I wish this Tim McGraw song that I heard this morning would leave my head already.
Getting my DVR upgraded to HD.
@arikbenedek - Will post photo later...
Funny sign at the rally reads: ''Welcome to California - Free Range Chicken and Caged Up Gays''
My son is marching (well, crawling) today in his first protest today.!
Saw the Bond today; Yuk. My favorite part was seeing the "Joy" WalMart/Coke commercial I worked on that featured Twitter in the jingle. Joy.


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone crystal Jeremy Evan Williams sara Krissy Bush Philip Kaplan ilona Jason Goldman Chris Wetherell Chris Fralic noah kagan Alex Payne Nancy King meangrape heather Pierre Omidyar Tim Shey Barack Obama Saul Colt Corey Denis Fred Wilson Laurence Toney Rusty Rueff Dan Greenberg Jim Louderback Harry Max Joseph Kimojino David Sze Lisa Carey Julie Warnecke Kara Swisher timer Marc Bodnick
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