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Yay to whoever brought the marzipan to work.
Here's hoping I needn't brace for the imminent harshing of my mellow. :-/
@chrisbrogan Business as in "MYOB" or business as in how you make a living? Yes to former, no to latter.
@SocialTNT No way! Ethical dilemma: Are you gonna say anything to the woman?
@Mmmeg Yeah, heard PCOS can be brutal! Truthfully, tho, watching this program I can see how it might happen.
Watching "I Didn't Know I was Pregnant" on TLC. Followed by, "I DIdn't Know I Was Having Sex," and "I Didn't Know I'd Gained 30 Pounds."
Just mistook a liquigel for a Jelly Belly. Nastyyy
Walked around downtown SanMat with neither jacket nor umbrella, confirming once again that I'm not made of sugar.
Gettin' my Iago on.
Dial Fail: Overly odoriferous shower gel has left me feeling like a greasy Circus Peanut.
RT @jpostman It's personal. How the economy has affected one PR professional [guest blog post]
Space heaters FTW!
@rumford - O hai Pixel! You saw what I did there! Hey Rumford, good on ya for getting a shelter kitty.
Rain. Ahhhh.
I think I want Liberty to send all my diabetes testing supplies for free even though I don't have diabetes.
@dawns8 Dude, I *love* that song!
I'm shady. Yup.
Allow me to concede that I don't know the first GD thing about improving the performance of my laptop. Think I just hosed it royally.
@shortyawards I nominate @Kid_Capricorn for a Shorty Award in #humor for using "circadian" and "geriatric" in the same tweet. cool blog.


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