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2nd day in a row at Stone Gardens, this time with @dekellum ... and tomorrow is my normal climbing day
I'm ready, and lunch after sounds good. 11:15ish work?
Drinks at The Red Door in Fremont after a packed Brouwers.
Walking past a giant Lenin statue with Christmas lights on it on the way to dinner
@mattgambo indoor, and more of the same tomorrow I think
@dekellum that may be one of the geekiest exchanges I've had via Twitter
Getting ready for climbing in 15-20 min
Setting up 1Password using my old MacHeist license
Glad this might be my last evening with Nagios for awhile. You won't be missed.
Biz suggests REDACTED
Watching someone get Brittrolled by @bs
Figuring out my flight-time reading
Heading to the office at the pace of MUNI. Slow it is then.
Enjoying bad coffee and good company.
"it's not like Jesus sinned for our sins … he died" -@al3x, beating @gregpass at his own poor analogy
Still feeling sick, which has left me unfriendly and generally in a bad mood
Headed to Blue Bottle with Ruth
Shocked Ruth flew down to SF to surprise me
I have a splitting headache and feel sickly. This office is a plague.
At the twoffice early, time to make coffee ... but by which method?


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone crystal Jeremy Evan Williams Krissy Bush Alissa Steve Jenson Rael Dornfest Jason Goldman caroline mdy Wes Maldonado Alex Payne Britt Selvitelle meangrape Evan Twitter Joseph Heck John Adams Wil Wheaton Trends Joelogon robey nkallen abdur Loren Brichter Summize thinkgeek Eric Jensen jkalucki Andy Lorek jayvirdy commiecat Greg Pass