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@tpope You should be careful. @reinh ate the last person who look through all the videos.
I just bought a $300 espresso machine for $130! I love going out of business sales!
I am actually getting valid SOAP data returned via EJB running inside jRuby. A super big thanks to @headius for helping with configuration!
RT @codeslinger: this game is friggin' awesome:
Why NetBeans? Because Java/J2ee/GlassFish/jRuby seem to be a lot easier to do with NetBeans than Textmate and Terminial. I'll keep u posted.
It feels like no one on the NetBeans IDE team has ever installed it from scratch. This setup is horrible and the user notification is nil.
Just installed NetBeans to run ruby. I think i"m going to hell now.
RT @veezus: My Less Everything Awesome 'Stache Club member t-shirt... generating small talk everywhere I go.
I'm going to be trimming my following list this morning. I love you all, I just can't focus because I love reading your stuff so much.
@sintaks ooOOoo? what does that mean?
@getfunked I wrote Let me know if you have any problems. :)
@mattetti The important thing to know is that they are clean.
phusion passenger doesn't play nice with spawn. What should i do?
@mattetti It depends, would you want me too?
@mattetti Is that invitation open to everyone?
Spawn is not spawning. What the fork?
Back home and working. I'm not wearing any pants.


Jon Larkowski Jim Remsik Obie Vonster Pat Nakajima Nathaniel Talbott Rich Josh Owens Dan Croak Lourens Naude Teflon Ted Jason Seifer Toby DiPasquale Rails Tyler Hunt Randall Thomas sandro turriate faith bolliger Matt Aimonetti Gregg Pollack allan branch matthew deiters Ben Kepes tpope wycats CoolDan Alex Harris Joshua Hoskins mpeychich cgrusden[:leerjet] Vanessa Pagan Dan Martell brodaigh ebeard Leah Silber bunsen