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Unless I hear an objection, this looks like the winner:
Dear #lazyweb, what's the current favorite openid plugin for rails?
Writing, writing, writing, then sending.
I don't really think about how twisted some of my domain names are until I have to list them all out.
Geeked about Atlanta Merb Day on Saturday!! I have to remember to pack tonight..
@davidrdesign That was totally me who said that!
Looking forward to (finally) visiting the Secret BBQ Place today... hopefully soon.
I miss my pals @ AOL.
And some good news. My pic won the Connect Savannah weekly photo award!
@glazou According to Cory Doctorow, it'll be spam bots talking to each other long after we're all dead and gone.
In case you were curious: Nothing on the web is permanent. Nothing. Everything is fluid and could be gone tomorrow, or the next.
@Kachow They should rename it the AOL Deadpool Blog...
And my response to ficlets' demise: - now, off to bed with me.
Posted my comment on the ficlets "death notice".
5 till 8 and I'm still here. Oooh, but wait, I'm going home now. YAY!
Wow. Cassandra Wilson & Bill Frisell's version of Painted From Memory is so much better than the original.
The downside of delegation? Not knowing everything. It hurts my geek pride.
Secret BBQ Place was closed (still? for thanksgiving? WTF?). Going to try again tomorrow. Got a good calzone tho.
My wife is awesome.


Evan Williams Blaine Cook Jason Shellen Amanda Udoff Mr Messina Thomas Vander Wal Mike Carvalho Arun Ranganathan George Kelly Molly E. Holzschlag Steve Ganz Jacob Patton Dinah Sanders Stephanie   christine l.m. orchard Daniel Morrison Kristin Jeremy Keith Dan Budiac MJ Tantek Çelik Patrick Haney Norm! Aaron Gustafson Leia Scofield Kevin Smith Neil Bruce Lee Derek Featherstone pixeldiva Doug March Beep. Jackson Wilkinson Jim Callender Jason Garber Paul Downey
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