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@fredwilson Your lotd inspired me to turn on Soul Journey this morning. Good pick :)
Holiday party was awesome. Good people, good food, good atmosphere. Michelle and I had a lot of fun!
Guy on Craigslist proposes a trade. My MOTU Firewire audio interface for: "double shot b-ball game, folds up into wall! needs balls." Um no.
All of the engineers (self included) have their shirts tucked in today. That can only mean one thing: holiday party!
@taylorhughes It's delish and really easy to make. Let me know if you want the recipe.
Made my specialty tonight: spaghetti with bacon and eggs. Gets better each time.
"So, the officer and sergeant decided it would be best to make the woman a hot meal." (via @taylorhughes)
The New York Times blogs seem to attract smart, well-written comments from readers. That's pretty cool.
More and more non-techie friends joining Twitter. This should be interesting.
@ninaraphael Are you there?
@shobe Ah ha. That's where you disappeared to. Have fun!
@krisaloma Could it be that the north side of the street was in the sun, while the south side was shaded by buildings?
@jakeparrillo I don't even know what casings are.
@taylorhughes He probably can't get over the fact that you take Maxwell to a normal vet.
@rjs Fireworks
@taylorhughes Are we humans, or are we dancers?
@shobe Ahem. Cough. Heh.
My girlfriend signed up for Twitter. Will she tweet, or simply lurk? Only time will tell.
Back in Chicago


Frank Harris Taylor Hughes Paul Smith noel Eric Olson Wilson Miner Khoi Vinh Ryan Carver AmyBeth Doug VanderMolen John Resig Rick Klau Fred Wilson Jeff Turner Traci Hailpern Adrian Holovaty dick costolo jakeparrillo Kristian A. Aloma rachelleb aldenalmagro Josh Andrews matt shobe Ryan Singer Matt P. joselynhughes emilyspurr James Davison Eric Lunt aldenalmagro2 ms_mortara Michelle Samenfeld ninaraphael