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@sproutworx barely, but we'll give it to you :)
@ErikBoles nice! We're actually reviewing that on an upcoming episode!
@marz8 sorry to hear that! we know about a ridiculous work schedule :|
anyone drinking on a Sunday night? (At least it's night here on the east coast of the US.) Drinking Sierra Nevada Pale Ale right now...
@Saintless it's a great name, and great beer. the name is totally fitting too!
@psinderson noo! well, we've had some luck with making special requests of distributors, but you'd have to want at least a case of it...
we now know exactly what it's like to be a kid in a candy store... who reviews candy...
@bartmroz thanks man - make sure you celebrate!
we would like to say happy 75th anniversary of the end of prohibition! we're quite thankful for it.
@psinderson if you're in the philly area, check out The Foodery (two in the city). otherwise, check with your local distributor.
@kessler we want to do a tour there for sure! besides, love for lambertville :) this is why you need to get a flip! HD!
@psinderson we shoot in Philadelphia! you just have to know where to look :)
@psinderson it rules: guess we got lucky to find it? where are you located?
TGOB episode 026 - Old Engine Oil and Riverhorse's Tripel Horse. Turns out, they rule.


Ben Alex Hillman Colin Devroe bear Joe Cairns Michael Malcangio Mr. Linderman Sarah Austin Damon C Daniel Appelquist Stephen Tudor Greg Hollingsworth Seth Blank John Wurth Chris Brentano Robert Hall Linda Mills PhilaFoodie Joshua Wiltshire Jason D Walsh Jason Bainbridge Derek Steen roz duffy marcus nelson Steve Garfield Mac Morgan Mike Neumann Bart Mroz Lars Wilhelmsen Steve Rittler Ryan Holmes Epic Beer Andrew Dobrow Holly Scatamacchia Matthew Williams Ben Kessler
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