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Really.. just a messed up news story from a time hopefully long gone
Fucking disgusting // Got this woman on the phone who I can assume is fucking obese and I can here here chewing in my ear
@rkbentley I had no problem - I cashed it then deposited the cash
Unexpected check in the mail FTW... (payout for the Paid Time Off I didn't use this year)
**correction 4 left
8 hours down 2 left -- Every time I work 12 hours I tell myself I won't do it again.. but I've done it many times
This dude just said "My Webserver is being hacked and I called 911 and they won't help me"
3 hours and 14 minutes into a 12 hour shift..... /sigh
I just paid $1.25 A gallon for gas in N. Smithfiels
@rkbentley yes.. I do say that for a living
OMFG why am I JUST NOW discovering "The IT Crowd"?
"McCain Campaign Sells Info-Loaded Blackberries"
Going back to the Christmas tree farm to pick up my tree tomorrow :-)
@K82 They have 2b, from what little I know, & I could b wrong FIOS required a huge investment & they need a lot of subscribers 2 see profit.
Dear Verizon - please stop jamming my mailbox full of FIOS offers.
It snowed down south - and they have no idea what to do now
I never thought I'd be drinking Decaff coffee
Why I call myself a liberal: (again from The West Wing)


Brian Jepson Producer Bill { jlr } Hassan Elmi Mike Hilary Mason Sam Holland Joe Cascio Joyce / Rhiannon(SL) Adam Darowski Wil Wheaton Jason Callina Michael Duffy David Berube Jack Templin Josh Matthew Ebel Chris Hempel Mat Gilbert Jesse Friedman StevenMichael Malloy Amanda MacArthur Brad Williams Steffi V. amanda izenstark RK Bentley Has Cheezburger? Hank Green Road Hacker Erica Driver Ted James Butler Dr. K82 Gostkowski Kyle Pouliot Jeff Glasson