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"I don't admire the guy with the $3000 camera. I admire the guy with the $200 camera making great pictures" -me
@NickHumphries Pretty decent for most day-to-day things, but not good for music or any of that stuff. That's one of the major limitations.
Have not experimented with HDRs on the D90 yet. Translation: have not even scratched the surface of this camera's potential.
Am I too young to be referencing my "childhood" in a blog post? Nahh…
Can hot chocolate and hot cocoa be used interchangeably?
Friend: "What's that blinking stick doing in the middle of my screen?" Me: "Oh, that's a cursor."
@joshlewis Not to mention that MobileSafari usage is at 8%. Those are pretty insane numbers.
Today is one of those crazy "work-until-you-drop-then-get-up-and-keep-working" kind of days. Let's do this.
@iStig You are now known as "the weird photo geek that comments on Michael's photos" to my friends. Congratulations. :)
10% of my Facebook friends have a profile picture that was taken on Photo Booth from the Apple Store.
Woohooo—Facebook exporter for Aperture. I shouldn't be excited about this, but I am. :)
@SleevelessArts Get the Nikon D60 and the kit lens, or a D40 with an 18-55mm, 50mm f/1.8, and 55-200mm f/3.5-5.6. Canon: go for the XSi.
I'm guess it's just me. I'm a Classic monopoly junkie. I've memorized all the rents for houses/hotels on every property.
What's next? Monopoly with credit cards and bank loans? Even better, let's *recreate* the credit crisis in our own little virtual worlds.
What did they do? They ruined it!
I love acoustic music.
Get linked to from an American blog: 10 hits. Linked to from a Japanese blog: 500 hits.
@KeatonTech Happy Birthday. Gotta love December babies. ;)
Youtube & Facebook go HD in the same day. Pretty nifty.
@jessedyck I guess you could look at it that way, but then I've lost confidence in our whole Parliamentary minority system.


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone Evan Williams Buzz Andersen Manton Reece Justin Williams Dan Cederholm Derek Powazek Robert S Andersen Justine Veronica Belmont Hickensian David Martin Derek Matt Heerema Alex Payne Faruk Ates rands John Gruber Cameron Moll David Chartier teh_real_chock Gedeon Maheux Scott McNulty Jacqui Cheng Jeffrey Zeldman Glenn Wolsey Matt Pippen Thomas Hawk Sam Judson Collier Don McAllister Josh Holloway Paul Stamatiou Tommy Vallier Brent Spore
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